Saturday, August 10, 2019

Home work communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Home work communication - Assignment Example Whereas parent-child attachment may have been developed during the child’s babyhood, this bond is likely to be tested as the child develops his or her own personality. These are, in many ways, bigger problems than the difference in race between the parent and adopted child (Fisher, 2003). With trans-racial adoption, there may be extra issues that the adoptive parent is often encouraged to deal with in his or her children of a different race. According to a research that sought to understand how cultural identity is reinforced by the adoptive parents of foster children of a different race, participants stated that it is quite common for strangers to ask odd questions about the true heritage of the child (Herd, 2012). While there are strangers who will comment positively on the rich mix in a multicultural family, there are others who will make unbecoming remarks. According to the study documented by Herd, there are different strategies with which adoptive parents can respond to uncalled for remarks. For instance, they can change the subject, inquire as to the intention of the stranger, or simply educate him or her on how adoption works. It is also important to realize that trans-racially adopted children do not have the opportunity to learn about their birth cultures by watching their adopted parents in daily life. This means that adoptive parents with children of a different race should seek for opportunities in which their children can be party to positive or constructive events during which people of their own ethnic background are portrayed positively. According to the research participants in the study documented by Herd, adopted children can learn about the special attributes of their personhood by being exposed to people of their birth race in positive ways (Herd, 2012). For instance, Caucasian parents who were part of this study often took their African American children to salons where they had a chance to learn how best to manage African American hair. This experience not only reinforced positive aspects of the African American experience for the children, but also helped in building their relationships with their adoptive parents. Once this trust is established, the children involved in trans-racial adoptions, among other types of adoptions, will trust what their adoptive parents say and how they teach them about the world’s attitude towards their unique family. According to a research conducted by the Eva B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, â€Å"trans-racial adoption is not responsible for the development of social or psychological maladjustment issues in adopted children; rather, these children, like all other adopted children and their parents face assorted challenges, and the way in which the parents respond to the problems hinders or facilitates the children's progressive development (VanderMolen, 2005). According to the participants in this study, the issue of adoptive identity challenges all children regardles s of race. It is common for adopted children, for instance, to downplay the adoption issue when in school because they want to fit in and not seem odd. However, inside, they have to deal with fears such as losing their adoptive parents and questions about why their real parents gave them up. There are many advantages to adopting children from a different race (Woolf, 2006). Psychological research studies have established that trans-racially adopted children tend to deal with

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