Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Employment and Delegation Essay Example for Free

Employment and Delegation Essay In the scenario given there were five behaviors of delegation used. They were: clarifying the assignment, specifying the employees range of discretion, allow the employees to participate, inform others that delegation has occurred, and establish proper feedback channels. In this paper, each behavior will be discussed as used in the scenario, and will give specific detail of how we as managers would have handled the delegation. Clarity of the assignment, is providing clear expectations of an assignment with details, deadlines, an audience, and the importance of the assignment being done on time. This is the first step in the delegation process of the project. If we ask someone to complete one of our assignments, we would want to be sure that the assignment is done the way we would have completed it. Theres a reason why we asked that particular person. If it was something anyone could do you can ask for volunteers. Informing others that delegation has occurred is essential behavior in the delegation process. Obviously Ricky has other employees that he manages. So it is important to inform those employees about the delegation as well. He chose Bill because of his three year experience in the contracts group. However, there isnt any mention of addressing Rickys other employees. Since he assigned Bill to this project what about Bills daily duties? Is Ricky going to provide Bill with help in regards to his daily work, or will he be required to complete both the project and his work? Thats what we do not know, but they were having a meeting in the morning to discuss the assignment. These are issues Ricky has to figure out now, along with informing his staff, because if Ricky did not inform his other employees, they may perceive it as favoritism and think he is trying to hide it from everyone. Ricky should also inform Bill of the reasons he chose him at their meeting in the morning, and also let him know he will be communicating the project to the rest of the team so they are aware Bill will be working on the assignment for the given time frame. Normally in those situations you look to the person who may be capable of doing the job based on previous experience. It is important to share the wealth when it comes to delegating task to the staff. I would assume that Bill is one of the go-to guys that can and is able to complete task with assigned deadlines. However, the behavior skills that stick out to me the most are clarify the assignment, inform others that the delegation has occurred, and establish feedback channel. It is important that Ricky clarifies with Anne what the guidelines for the new manual are so that he can clearly communicate them Bill. Setting up one-on-one sessions or a team meeting will be useful to inform all team members of the decision. Lastly, Ricky should set up periodic reviews with Bill to check on his progress and also see if any assistance is needed. agree that some of the delegation skills where used in this scenario, but not all were used fully. I like the point made earlier in the discussion that Ricky probably manages more then one employee, In the scenario I think Anne did a poor job for a few reasons. 1) Ricky already was working on a major project, and as his boss she should have been aware of that before she asked him to do it. She may have been, but this is what we dont know. 2) Anne asked Ricky to do the assignment. Obviously there was a reason why she asked him, so when he requested Bill to replace him why did she allow it? If I delegate an assignment to my employee I want the person to do what I asked. I feel that clarifying the assignment, specifying the employees range of discretion, allow the employee to participate were the delegation skills used the most in the scenario, while establishing feedback channels and inform others that delegation has occured wasnt as much if any. I remember an old saying form a manager I had who would say, inspect what you expect! We are tasked to ensure what we empower our workforce to accomplish is completed the way we expect it to be done. However, if we do not adequately communicate our expectations to the employee, than how will we be able to hold them reliable for the job. Now, am I saying we should micro-manage? Never! And im sure no body wants to spend time micro-managing. What we do want to ensure though is task completion and work from a decentralized form of management so the employee doesnt get frustrated in their job. Bottom line, we empower people everyday, the question is how much do we trust them? Allow the employee to participate. We have that found the employees participation is the best means to empower them not only in their job, but it gives them personal satisfaction. Now, this can be somewhat dangerous because you never want to give them an unchecked decision machine. As the section mention, you allow the employee to participate in that decision and then a set limit of authority is transferred to them for the project. We know, from experience that you must maintain that channel of communication with the employee so to keep them on the right direction. This will be training opportunities for managers with the employee in how to better make decisions without being biased. I know it can be challenging at times and personal matters may strive to cloud our decision process, but over time the employee will learn how to set aside personal reasoning.

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